Tauranga Advisory Term 4 Wellbeing Focus

After what has been a busy and somewhat disruptive 2021, term 4 has been set up to provide an environment for aakonga (students) to get involved in some Arts and Crafts as a way of supporting wellbeing and enabling everyone who turns up a friendly and safe place to socialise, be themselves, meet someone new and, to try their hand at creating something truly unique through clay, paint or driftwood.

Aakonga can work on individual or group pieces - whatever they choose and the options are endless. For some, just turning up is a challenge but once they settle in and get to meet their peers they are soon getting involved, smiling and laughing.

It has been encouraging and empowering to see aakonga (normally around 20 every Tuesday) being themselves and accepting those around them. To have an environment free from judgement is certainly helpful for aakonga wellbeing.

Here are a couple more photos. Next week Nga Panui a Te Kura will add photos from those producing clay art.

Olivia Jeffery working on her driftwood piece.
Kate working on her piece of Art.