Tauranga Huinga Ako (Advisory) - by Te Kura Students

If there is one day of the week, we always look forward to its every Tuesday at the Baden-Powell Hall in Ohauiti where the Tauranga Huinga Ako (Advisory) is held.

It is a day of the week we all get social interaction, build meaningful relationships, develop life skills, build confidence and above all, have a load of fun. There is always laughter ringing either inside or outside the hall - wherever the daily event takes us.

Every week is like a new surprise. We never know what to expect until we turn up and then its all go. And it’s good like this because we know the advisory has been prepared with us in mind so we feel relaxed and trust we're in for a good time and there's always someone to talk to and calm any nerves or, your parent can stay and, if you ask nicely, you can bring a pet along to give you comfort.

Many of us have social anxiety and you'd think this would be a hard thing to attend each week, but the truth is, we love it! It’s a safe, non-judgmental, encouraging, and fun environment to step into. This advisory, is for us.

So - come along and give us a go or, pop your head in for 5 mins and look around - whatever is easiest for you. For more info email - stefan.nogaj@tekura.school.nz

Enjoy some of these photos!