Winning Entries (Writing Comp)

Well done to those who entered this competition and a big thank you to Taylor Foster for organising this. Looking forward to future writing opportunities.

The following two pieces of writing gained equal first.

Here is the piece from Gabbie:

The Street in Barcelona.
By Gabriella Egleton.
The smell of coffee hangs in the air,
And mingles with the taste of smoke and
Mornings, which leave you heady and breathless.
A gentle breeze that wafts against your lips
Oh this
Is a sight that you might easily miss
On your search
For bliss
In a world that’s desaturated.
But look
You’ll see
There are colours in these dusty streets.
A cascade
Of green
Splashing down to where countless souls have been.
Towering rows
Of pink
Against a smoky pale blue sky
Oh my…
Don’t forget as you race through life
On the search for something grand
To hold your breath, count to ten
And let Serenity take your hand.
Maybe you’ll find she can open your eyes
To the beauty in the small.
And though time might seem like and endless stream
Maybe the wait is not a waste at all.
For the harder you look for the magic in things
The more likely you’ll miss the beauty of the street,
In Barcelona.

Here is the piece from Chloe:

Barcelona Bakery

As the shining light was dawning,

I stretched and started yawning,

Onto the balcony I went and heard the calling,

“Buenos dias” from my friendly neighbours early in the morning.

I went to my bike at the post,

My belonging I love most,

Taking in the nearby scent of toast,

The bakery I approached

Sitting on a chair,

Gazing everywhere,

Observing the greens and reds,

And rooftop flowerbeds

At times like this I know,

That wherever I may go,

I will always adore the place here below,

With the coffee and the dough.