Writing Competition Results!

Writing Competition Results!

Well done to all those of you who entered our writing competition based off the photo of Barcelona, Spain. I am very happy to announce the winners of our very first competition.

1st Equal – Chloe Meyer and Gabriella Egleton

Well done to you both for your fabulous poetry. Chloe's flowing poem was seamless, and was an amazing example of rhyming. Gabriella's moving poem was very well-written and carried a great message about appreciating the simple things. Keep an eye out for these two poems in the newspaper.

Beyond your skill we are most pleased that you gave it a go and hope this encourages others to put forward whatever they create!

Special Mention – Montell Camping

Well done to Montell for his short story that included two different points of view. It was a deep story that had an important message about being careful with how you treat others – especially those you love.

Well done to everyone and can't wait to see the competitions that are coming in the future.