Writing Competition

Calling all writers to enter our latest writing competition!

Do you like to write short stories, poetry, scripts, songs or even cartoons? If you do, have a go at entering our competition in one of the sections below. Our team of judges will read each entry and pick the top three winners. These top three will receive prizes and their story will be published in the magazine.

There are a few rules in terms of what you can write as we want all entry's to be suitable for anyone to read.

  • No swear words, discriminatory or defamatory language
  • Nothing too scary
  • Ensure that everyone can read this without feeling offended etc.

But other than that - write what you feel and share your ideas. We can't wait to see what you come up with.

So what do you write about? In this competition you must write a piece surrounding this picture of Barcelona, Spain:

Using this topic, have a go and enter one of our categories below.

  1. Short Story

This is a story that is a maximum of 800 words. It can be any genre, must follow the rules and be centered around the image above.

2. Poem/Song

This piece can be a maximum of 100 words. It can be descriptive or take us on a story, or be portraying a feeling or message based on the image above.

3. Other

This category is for any piece that doesn't fit in the above categories and must be centered around the image. This could be a screenplay, a cartoon or anything that includes a decent amount of writing. Share with us how you like to write. Since word counts will vary, this piece can be a maximum of 2 pages long.

Send all entries to stefan.nogaj@tekura.school.nz by the 7th of April. Preferably have them in a word document or PDF format. Name your document with your name, the title of the piece and the category you are entering (1, 2 or 3).

Good luck!! We can't wait to read your pieces.